The La Casa dei Bambini community is small but strong. Our enrollment is 30 children, maximum, so parents and families get to know each other well.
Various family activities throughout the year, including family workdays, the Thanksgiving Banquet, the Christmas Play, graduation, and the End-of-the-Year party give parents ample opportunities to meet their children’s friends and parents. And these are only the “official” events!
Because of the size of the school, many families become life-long friends–playing, growing, and even vacationing together. As a result, the La Casa dei Bambini community is a lifelong community.
As mentioned above, every family is an integral part of this community. We know that parents want to see and understand what their children do during the day. That is why there are many opportunities for parents to come into the classroom and share personal talents or favorite hobbies.
All parents can keep up with all that is going on at the school through our blog, on the Facebook page, or through our parent newsletters. Community and communication are essentials as La Casa dei Bambini!
Along with this, twice a year, parents are invited to observe their child at school doing work and Chiquie Estrada, the owner and lead facilitator, is always available to discuss personal progress.